স্বপ্ন তো সেটা না যা মানুষ ঘুমিয়ে দেখে, স্বপ্ন তো সেটা যা মানুষকে ঘুমোতে দেয় না।
- ড. এ.পি.জে আবুল কালাম
আপনি গরীব কারন আপনার দূরদর্শিতার অভাব। আপনি দরিদ্র কারন আপনি আপনার ভীরুতাকে জয় করতে পারেন নি। আপনি গরীব কারন আপনি আপনার সর্বচ্চ ক্ষমতা ব্যবহার করতে পারেন নি। আপনি দরিদ্র তাই সবাই আফসোস করবে কেওই আপনাকে সচ্ছল বানিয়ে দিবেনা।
-জ্যাক মা
যেদিন আপনি আপনার ভিতরের ক্ষতিকর আবেগ দমাতে পারবেন, সেদিন ই আপনি সাফল্যের সিড়িঁ তে পা দিবেন।
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our separate
ways, I to die, and you to live. Which of these two is better only God knows.
When you fly high, people
will throw stones at you. Don't look down. Just fly higher so stones won't
reach you. -Chetan Bhaghat.
Success comes to those
who do not waste time comparing what they are doing with what others are doing
and to those who don't lie to themselves
-Paulo Cohelho
Don't lose hope in your
Duas. Allah will respond to it in a way that is most beneficial for us.
-Belal Philips
Rejection should never
stop you, rather it should encourage you to do more to find out why have you
failed. Failure is not a problem at all; rather it is an experience.
People who reject you
know nothing about your potential and future.
Believing in yourself is
the key to success in life, doesn't matter what hurdles you are going through.
Don't limit your dua's,
for it is Allah who can transform the impossible into possible with His Might.
No one on this earth
really cares about your pains & sufferings. So, don't share, NEVER. Just keep
them hidden in your heart, ALWAYS. Your pains have unbelievable power. If
shared, you will lose that power.
Each person is
responsible for his or her own sin. From the Islamic perspective no one can
bear the sin of any other nor does anyone inherit the sin of any other. Each
one is responsible for his or her sin and must seek salvation from it.
Debate: Salvation in
Christianity and Islam – Dr. Bilal Philips
Sooner or later, though,
you always have to wake up. -Avatar
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